Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
The primary goal of the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program at Corvallis Middle School is to provide differentiated instruction within the classroom to students who have been identified as intellectually or academically gifted.
GATE students engage in learning within and beyond the classroom that is not only standards-based and aligned with the curriculum taught to all students, but differentiated in order to accelerate, offer greater depth, offer more complexity, and to offer novelty to enrich the core subjects. Through this instruction, GATE students will become more adequately prepared for the rigors of Honors and AP classes in high school as well as the demands of college.
At Corvallis, GATE students are clustered or grouped together in classrooms for differentiated instruction during the regular day. In addition, GATE students participate in part-time grouping, in which students attend classes or seminars that are organized to provide advanced or enriched subject matter. GATE students also engage in enrichment activities that augment their regular educational programs. In these supplemental educational activities the students use advanced materials and/or receive special opportunities.
GATE students are offered a variety of extra-curricular opportunities, such as:
• Field Trips to local universities, museums, plays, and special events
• Academic Competitions
• Enrichment Classes and Clubs, including ASB/Leadership and Yearbook
• Before and after school tutoring in mathematics and general subjects
Students, parents, and/or community members interested in more information about the Corvallis Middle School Gifted and Talented Education program are encouraged to contact our GATE Coordinator, Mr. Mark Roper or the principal, Dr. Ruvalcaba at (562) 210-4125.